We hope you enjoyed last week’s blog post – Part 1: How to Make Your Clothes Last Longer this week, we now have part 2 of the series.
See below for KEEPER Denim’s next 5 tips on how to make your clothes last longer:
Read the care label inside your garment to see what material it is made from and the washing instructions. Here, you should find those familiar symbols used to describe how to wash the garment; for example, whether you can machine wash or hand wash, what temperature the water should be etc.
Storage is important when it comes to taking care of your clothes and making sure they will last for a long time. Some basic tips include storing your clothes in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight. Another good tip to remember is to make sure your clothes aren’t dusty when stored because this could attract moths which will destroy your clothes - moth balls are also great to prevent these annoying pests.
Some garments have ‘dry clean only’ noted on the internal care label, which can mean extra effort when it comes to cleaning. However, what you may not know is the dry cleaning process involves a lot of chemicals, which are detrimental to the planet and to our skin. So where possible, avoid dry cleaning your clothes or look for a non-toxic dry cleaner.
Plastic coat hangers can stretch the shape of your clothes, especially the shoulders, to avoid this, opt for wooden or padded coat hangers instead that will be gentler on the garment and prevent stretching it out of shape. You may already know this, but it’s worth noting that it is best to fold heavy jumpers and store them on a shelf or in a drawer, rather than hanging them up as the weight of the garment can stretch the fibres.
When you next iron a piece of clothing, make sure you set the temperature of the iron correctly, it is easy to apply too much heat and damage the fabric. Better yet, if you rather avid ironing - once you wash your clothes, try hanging them on a coat hanger to dry as this will reduce the number of creases in the fabric.
We hope you found the second instalment of the series on How to Make Your Clothes Last Longer. You may have heard of some of these tips before, but we hope some of them are new to you and you can start to implement them when it comes to your wardrobe.