When it comes to sustainable or low waste living it can be so easy to become overwhelmed. You can get bogged down in the detail when trying to learn the ropes and make some changes in your daily life. It’s important to remember you don’t need to be perfect. We are always learning new ways of doing things and at KEEPER Denim we believe we can all have a positive impact on the world, by taking small steps each day.
No matter where you are on your sustainability journey, there are easy ways you can start to make some changes today. See below for KEEPER Denim’s top 5 tips on sustainable living:
Despite what you may think, when you begin the switch to sustainable living, you don’t need to throw out all your conventional single-use products and replace them right away. Instead, continue using what you have until they are finished, then when you next go shopping consider the more sustainable options that are readily available both at your local supermarket or online.
It can be tempting to want to start on a big challenge such as switching to a vegan, plant-based diet or stop using single-use plastic products immediately. However, if you want to make sustainable, long-term change, it’s best to start with small changes first. You can begin to do this by thinking about what products you use everyday and focus on replacing one of them. For example, if you purchase coffee in single-use take-away cups regularly, you could buy a reusable coffee cup and start to take that to your local café next time you order a coffee!
Greenwashing is when companies provide misleading information to consumers about their products, suggesting they are more environmentally friendly than they really are. Instead, it’s important you do your research into a brand and how their products are made. Consider the transparency of their supply chain and whether they have any certifications to formalise their commitment to producing ethical and sustainable products.
Composting is the natural process of recycling organic materials including food scraps and leaves, into new soil/fertiliser that you can then put onto your garden. Anything naturally that grows, will eventually decompose, however the method of composting speeds up this process by creating the perfect environment with decomposing organisms such as worms and the right amount of light.
Low waste stores enable you to purchase a wide range of products in bulk that are not pre-packaged, including food, cleaning and beauty products. If you’re in Australia, The Source has an incredible range of products.
That was KEEPER Denim’s top 5 tips on sustainable living, hopefully you learned a few pointers for when you’re ready to begin the switch to a low-waste lifestyle, without feeling too overwhelmed.